Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 175 - wishes granted

my beautiful girls at Cannon Beach, OR

Addington and I celebrated our honeymoon in Cannon Beach 2002, as well as our first anniversary. It is my favorite beach to visit as often as I can. I absolutely love the Stephanie Inn and highly recommend. Need to make another trip, Addington and I where we get to visit all of our favorite locations~ ♥

our family
in front of Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach, Oregon
Mother's Day 2010


  1. Hi Theresa,

    my name is Uwe, I'm German and I just stumbled upon your blog accidently.

    I like it very much and it's really interesting to browse through.
    But on the other side I have to tell you that I'm always staggered / astonished to see how unsuspecting you - and (especially) millions of your American fellows citizens - post pictures and personal data (in detail) of your whole family live on the internet.

    You believe wholeheartedly in Google and its motto: "Don't be evil"?

    Regards from a blogger grown up in a cultural sphere with perceptions...


  2. This set of photos are my favorite!!!

    And wth is that above???

  3. so lovely photos :'o)

    Really like it all...!!


  4. My favorite photo is the one in the ice cream shop with all the people. It looks like such a fun moment, and brings a smile to my face. Great work.
